
Showing posts from 2012


Khoj is the first event in IIT kgp when first years come out of their rooms and interact with each other on an institute level event conducted by AZAD hall of residence. In this game basically all the freshers are allowed to participate(1st year UG, 1st year, 1st year of MBA or any other fresher). Basically, Khoj is the most exciting event in kgp. Everyone enjoys it and gets an opprtunity to see campus. In this event mostly 15 clues are present and the team who gets all clues first wins. The clues are spread throughout the campus at different popular places(except main building and professors' house). These clues are given to each team as a hint in form of a phrase and each phrase refers to a place. At corresponding place a code is written which has to be noted down and given to registration desk of khoj to get next clue.  Around 1000 people participate in this event and closing ceremony is generally held around 10:30 which is simply awesome. NOTE :::::::...

Day-to-day Kgpian life

After entering into IIT people have many dreams and aspirations which they want to fulfill , some freshers aim for department change and others aim for excellence in studies and enjoyment . But only thing which remains after a semester in mind is enjoyment . IIT Kharagpur is quite advanced in terms of internet connectivity . It is amazing to have a campus fully WiFi that too giving high speed . Every hostel room has got multiple LAN ports with 1 Gbps speed and DC++ connection which has approximately 200 TB data online . So people tend to deviate from their studies and enjoy watching movies , playing counter strike, call of duty , AOE etc.    Moreover there are many activities which go on continuously throughout the year in every field. People participate in huge amount in these events which are mainly inter-hall(hostel) competitions for winning GC (general championship cup).  The most participated event in kgp is Illu (Illumination and Ra...


HERE IS A LIST OF KGP LINGO WHICH WILL BE HELPFUL TO ADJUST IN KGP LIFESTYLE ...................... 11  - n. Ha-Ha (a laugh). Adopted from its shortcut in Age of Empires. 2.2  - n. A 2.2 Kilometres round in central part of IIT-KGP campus. Usu. A run of it. 6dis  - n. See Chhedis Acads  - n. Academics. A.I.R.  - abbr., n. All India Rank.  Alankar  - n. The annual cultural magazine of Gymkhana, hence of the institute. Arbit  - adj. Arbitrary. Asim's  - n. The Nehru Hall canteen. Atthi  - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 8 and 9. Azad  - n. Azad Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. Baddy  - n. The sport of Badminton; adj. Related to the sport. Banda  - n. Any boy. Bandi  - n. Any girl. Baski  - n. The sport of Basketball; adj. Related to the sport. Batti  - n. The Electrical Engineering Department. Also, the students of it. Bhaat  - n. Bekar Chat. A useless...


In IIT Kharagpur ragging is called as OP(orientation programme) practically speaking. But the main thing is it happens only in second year. The first year students are not entertained by seniors in any manner which is a good thing as it has been seen that students need time to settle down at start of college. The most important rule of OP is not to speak about it . So no first years need to worry about anything and enjoy :) Also there is a kgp lingo which is essential to understand any conversation going on with seniors. In the beginning it is generally published in college newspapers. OP takes place in hall , department , and in societies ( if you'r in any ). But it can be simply said as a way to test people for their Hall(hostel) fundas. Ragging here also varies from hall to hall . Generally people give ragging to get to know each other and also know seniors. OP in hostels is of 4 types : 1) Common room OP 2) Mess OP 3) Wing OP 4) Secy OP(for thos...