Khoj is the first event in IIT kgp when first years come out of their rooms and interact with each other on an institute level event conducted by AZAD hall of residence. In this game basically all the freshers are allowed to participate(1st year UG, 1st year, 1st year of MBA or any other fresher). Basically, Khoj is the most exciting event in kgp. Everyone enjoys it and gets an opprtunity to see campus. In this event mostly 15 clues are present and the team who gets all clues first wins. The clues are spread throughout the campus at different popular places(except main building and professors' house). These clues are given to each team as a hint in form of a phrase and each phrase refers to a place. At corresponding place a code is written which has to be noted down and given to registration desk of khoj to get next clue. Around 1000 people participate in this event and closing ceremony is generally held around 10:30 which is simply awesome. NOTE :::::::...