11 - n. Ha-Ha (a laugh). Adopted from its shortcut in Age of Empires.
2.2 - n. A 2.2 Kilometres round in central part of IIT-KGP campus. Usu. A run of it.
6dis - n. See Chhedis
Acads - n. Academics.
A.I.R. - abbr., n. All India Rank.
2.2 - n. A 2.2 Kilometres round in central part of IIT-KGP campus. Usu. A run of it.
6dis - n. See Chhedis
Acads - n. Academics.
A.I.R. - abbr., n. All India Rank.
Alankar - n. The annual cultural magazine of Gymkhana, hence of the institute.
Arbit - adj. Arbitrary.
Asim's - n. The Nehru Hall canteen.
Atthi - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 8 and 9.
Azad - n. Azad Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall.
Baddy - n. The sport of Badminton; adj. Related to the sport.
Banda - n. Any boy.
Bandi - n. Any girl.
Baski - n. The sport of Basketball; adj. Related to the sport.
Batti - n. The Electrical Engineering Department. Also, the students of it.
Bhaat - n. Bekar Chat. A useless talk in a group whose sole purpose is to pass time. Also a regular magazine drafted by first year students trying to copy Junk.
Bhajan - n. A euphemism for sexually explicit media files on the LAN.
Bhatnagar - n. The Bhatnagar Auditorium.
Bidhan Chowk - n. See GolC.
Bong - n. Bengali. A Bengali-speaking person.
B.T.D.S. - abbr., n. Bengali Technology Dramatics Society.
Candi - n. Candidate (For elections).
Carlos - n. The R.P. Hall canteen.
C.G. - n. Short-form of C.G.P.A.
C.G.P.A. - abbr., n. Cumulative Grade Point Average. An index of a students performance in academics which reflects performance throughout the studies in IIT-KGP.
Chhagi - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 6 and 7.
C.I.C. - abbr., n. The Computers and Informatics Centre. It is situated in Takshashila.
C.L. - abbr., n. Central Library.
C.S. - abbr., n. The Computer Science Department. abbr., n. Counter Strike (First-person shooter game).
Convo - n. Convocation.
Dassi - Ten pointer.
D.C. - abbr., n. Disciplinary Charge. Due to inappropriate conduct of student. The Committee hence formed (Disciplinary Committee). n. The file sharing software "DC++".
DC++ - n. The Direct Connect network used extensively throughout the campus for file-sharing through LAN.
Dep - n. Department.
DepC - v.t., v.i. To have a Department change under the provisions specified by IIT-KGP. Requires excellent academic performance in first year B. Tech. course.
Despo - n. Desperate.
Dhakkan - n. The person with numerically largest JEE rank being admitted in said department/specialization.
Diro - n. Director of IIT-KGP.
Disco - n. Short for Disciplinary Committee.
D.L. - abbr., n. Dreamland Restaurant.
D.O.A.A. - abbr., n. Dean Of Academic Affairs. Responsible for academics of students. He is the main responsible person in any Research and Development work taken up by the institute.
D.O.S.A. - abbr., n. Dean Of Student Affairs. Responsible for maintaining discipline in students.
D.P. - abbr., n. Durga Puja. The vacation in its duration.
D.V.C. - abbr., n. Damodar Valley Corporation. The D.V.C. Market.
Eggies - n. The shop adjacent to Vegies Restaurant that serves eggs during night-time.
E.T.D.S. - abbr., n. English Technology Dramatics Society.
E.T.M.S. - abbr., n. Eastern Technology Music Society.
FacAd - n. Faculty Advisor.
Facca - n. An F-grade in any subject, meaning fail.
Faccha - n. A first year male student. Usu. a B. Tech. student.
Facchi - n. A first year female student. Usu. a B. Tech. student.
Fattu - n. Meek. Coward.
Fight - n., v.t., v.i. Difficulty in achieving something.
Frust - v.t. Frustrated. Generally due to academics and lack of female population. Also Frustoo.
Funda - n. The basic knowledge of anything.
Fundoo - adv. Something having very strong conceptual background; excl. Something great.
G.C. - abbr., n. General Championship. Either of the Soc-n-cult, Sports, Technology or Hall Affairs.
God - n. An achiever in any field, academics or otherwise. See also: Stud.
G.Sec. - abbr., n. General Secretary. Of Halls or Gymkhana. In Gymkhana, always a third year student.
GolB - n. The Gol Bazaar Market.
GolC - n. The circle (Gol Chakkar) just outside the Main Building of the Institute. Also known as Bidhan Chowk.
G.P.L. - adv. Rejection. v.i., n. The act of kicking someone's behind(common on birthdays).
Carlos - n. The R.P. Hall canteen.
C.G. - n. Short-form of C.G.P.A.
C.G.P.A. - abbr., n. Cumulative Grade Point Average. An index of a students performance in academics which reflects performance throughout the studies in IIT-KGP.
Chhagi - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 6 and 7.
C.I.C. - abbr., n. The Computers and Informatics Centre. It is situated in Takshashila.
C.L. - abbr., n. Central Library.
C.S. - abbr., n. The Computer Science Department. abbr., n. Counter Strike (First-person shooter game).
Convo - n. Convocation.
Dassi - Ten pointer.
D.C. - abbr., n. Disciplinary Charge. Due to inappropriate conduct of student. The Committee hence formed (Disciplinary Committee). n. The file sharing software "DC++".
DC++ - n. The Direct Connect network used extensively throughout the campus for file-sharing through LAN.
Dep - n. Department.
DepC - v.t., v.i. To have a Department change under the provisions specified by IIT-KGP. Requires excellent academic performance in first year B. Tech. course.
Despo - n. Desperate.
Dhakkan - n. The person with numerically largest JEE rank being admitted in said department/specialization.
Diro - n. Director of IIT-KGP.
Disco - n. Short for Disciplinary Committee.
D.L. - abbr., n. Dreamland Restaurant.
D.O.A.A. - abbr., n. Dean Of Academic Affairs. Responsible for academics of students. He is the main responsible person in any Research and Development work taken up by the institute.
D.O.S.A. - abbr., n. Dean Of Student Affairs. Responsible for maintaining discipline in students.
D.P. - abbr., n. Durga Puja. The vacation in its duration.
D.V.C. - abbr., n. Damodar Valley Corporation. The D.V.C. Market.
Eggies - n. The shop adjacent to Vegies Restaurant that serves eggs during night-time.
E.T.D.S. - abbr., n. English Technology Dramatics Society.
E.T.M.S. - abbr., n. Eastern Technology Music Society.
FacAd - n. Faculty Advisor.
Facca - n. An F-grade in any subject, meaning fail.
Faccha - n. A first year male student. Usu. a B. Tech. student.
Facchi - n. A first year female student. Usu. a B. Tech. student.
Fattu - n. Meek. Coward.
Fight - n., v.t., v.i. Difficulty in achieving something.
Frust - v.t. Frustrated. Generally due to academics and lack of female population. Also Frustoo.
Funda - n. The basic knowledge of anything.
Fundoo - adv. Something having very strong conceptual background; excl. Something great.
G.C. - abbr., n. General Championship. Either of the Soc-n-cult, Sports, Technology or Hall Affairs.
God - n. An achiever in any field, academics or otherwise. See also: Stud.
G.Sec. - abbr., n. General Secretary. Of Halls or Gymkhana. In Gymkhana, always a third year student.
GolB - n. The Gol Bazaar Market.
GolC - n. The circle (Gol Chakkar) just outside the Main Building of the Institute. Also known as Bidhan Chowk.
G.P.L. - adv. Rejection. v.i., n. The act of kicking someone's behind(common on birthdays).
Gult - n. Telugu. A Telugu-speaking person. Originated by reading the word 'Telugu' backwards when written in Telugu.
Gyan Ghosh Stadium - n. A stadium situated on Scholar's Avenue that is used for a variety of track and field events.
Gymkhana - n. Technology Students Gymkhana(T.S.G.). The centre of all the extra-curricular students' activities. Organizes various events and competitions for students.
Hall - n. (Halls Of Residence). Word used for hostel in IIT-KGP. The latter is rarely used. The Halls accommodate students who study in IIT-KGP. All Halls have their separate Mess, Canteens, Grocery & Stationery Shops, etc. There are separate halls for B.Tech students, M.Tech students, Business Management students and Research Scholars.
Hall-day - n. The celebration day of any Hall in which there is festive atmosphere and people from all over IIT-KGP are invited to enjoy.
Hall-funda - n. The knowledge of one's Hall specialties and way of life, etc.
Happa - n. Hall President.
H.O.D. - abbr., n. Head of Department.
H.T.D.S. - abbr., n. Hindi Technology Dramatics Society.
I.I.T. - abbr., n. Indian Institute Of Technology. The premiere engineering institutes of India. Seven in number. They include IIT Kharagpur(IIT-KGP), IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee and IIT Guwahati. IIT-KGP is the oldest of all, established in 1952 by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
I.I.T. Foundation(U.S.A.) - n. An Alumni foundation responsible for much development of IIT-KGP including funds for buildings, LAN, etc.
Illu - n. Illumination(on Dipawali). A competition involving all Halls for best illumination and rangoli on Dipawali.
Indu - n. The Industrial Engineering & Management Department. Also, the students of it.
Insti - n. Institute. Used to refer the main building of IIT-KGP.
Insti gate - n. The large gate on the entrance of the academic complex.
Intro - n. Introduction. Generally a brief speech involving one's name, department, city, hobbies,etc.
J.A.M. - abbr., n. The event of Just a Minute, in which you are required to speak for a minute. n. Jamshedpur.
Juice - n. A boy with feminine facial features.
Junk - n. A regular magazine. It contains news of students and reveals the hidden state of affairs, suggestions for a better life, trivia, etc. The members of the group behind it are called Junky.
Junta - n. The human population. Of IIT-KGP or elsewhere.
K.G.P. - n. The Kharagpur town.
Kela - adv. Failure.
Khoj - n. A treasure hunt competition organized by Azad Hall.
Kholu - n. The top ranked general category student admitted through JEE in any department/specialization.
Lallu - n. See L.L.R.
L.G.B. - abbr., n. Little Green Bastards. A small insect that is attracted towards light. Often found in groups of over hundred, causing extreme irritation to students.
L.L.R. - abbr., n. Lala Lajpat Rai Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. Commonly used word for it and its residents is lallu.
Load - n. Tension; v.i. To Have Tension.
L.S. - abbr., n. The Little Sisters Restaurant.
Maraoed - v.t. The act of doing something. viz. we maroed bhaat, maraod mugga, maroed bunk, maroed funda.
Machuara - n. The Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Department. Also, the students of it.
Maal - n. A beautiful girl.
Maggu - n. Student who mugs.
Makhana - v.t. To spoil a job. To do something insincerely. To play spoil-sport.
Mallu - n. Malayali. A Malayali speaking person.
Maska - n. The 2 year M.Sc. students. n. The Maths & Computing Stream. Also, the students of it.
Matka - n. Any M. Tech. male student.
Matki - n. Any M. Tech. female student.
M.B.M. - abbr., n. Masters Of Business Management. A Hall of Business management students. Associated with V.G.S.O.M.
Menty - n. The Maintenance Secretary of any Hall.
Meta - n. The Metallurgy and Materials Science Department. Also, the students of it.
Midtown - n. The Midtown Restaurant.
M.M.M. - abbr., n. Madan Mohan Malviya Hall Of Residence.
M.S. - abbr., n. Meghnad Saha Hall Of Residence. A Hall accommodating B. Tech. first year male students and M. Tech. students.
M.T. - abbr., n. Mother Teresa Hall Of Residence. A female students M. Tech. Hall.
M.T.R. - n. See Midtown Restaurant.
Mutter - n. An online forum on IIT Kharagpur's LAN; v.i. To read or write posts on it.
Nalini Ranjan Sarkar Avenue - n. The part of road that compliments the Scholar's Avenue to make 2.2 kilometre circle.
N.C.C. - abbr., n. National Cadet Core.
Nehli - n. A C.G.P.A. greater than 9.
Nehru - n. Nehru Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech Hall.
Netaji - n. The Netaji Auditotium. Used for conducting major events, performances and screening movies.
N.M.S.T. - abbr., n. Nehru Museum of Science and Technology. Located in Old Building.
Non-males - n. A way of referring to less-beautiful girls in IIT Kharagpur. Usually those through JEE.
N.S.O. - abbr., n. National Sports Organization.
N.S.S. - abbr., n. National Service Scheme.
Old Campus - n. See PAN Loop.
O.P. - abbr., n. Orientation Period. More commonly used word for ragging in IIT-KGP. It includes mentally harassing junior students and testing their Hall-funda.
Orientation - n. See O.P.
Pact - n. The agreement between Halls to support candidates from other's Hall for a similar support in return.
Pakau - v.t. Boring.
PAN Loop - n. The set of Halls: Patel, Azad and Nehru. The area bounded by them. These were the first to be constructed hence known as Old Campus.
Pain - v.t., v.i. Difficult to do.
Panji - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 5 and 6.
Patel - n. Patel Hall Of Residence and its residents. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall.
P.D. - abbr., n. The Punjabi Dhaba. Located in Gol Bazaar.
Peace - excl., n., v.i., To be tension-free. A tension-free state.
P.P.O. - abbr., n. Pre-Placement Offer. Job offers given by companies before the placement officially begins.
P.P.T. - abbr., n. Pre-Placement Talks. Talks held by companies when they come for selecting students via the placement process.
PremB - n. Prem Bazaar.
Prem Gali - n. The road joining Chemical Engineering and Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture Department.
Presi - n. President of the Gymkhana.
Prof - n. Professor.
P.S.I. - abbr., n. Pehchanane Se Inkaar (Refusing recognition). To ignore someone or to forget deliberately.
P. Team - n. The publicity team formed during [[#S.F.|S.F.]].
Ragging - v.t., v.i. To harass junior students of one's institute. Use obsolete in IIT-KGP. More commonly used word is Orientation.
Raman - n. The Raman Auditorium.
Rassa - n. A male research scholar.
Rassi - n. A female research scholar.
R.D.C. - abbr., n. Rural Development Centre. The central office of N.S.S.
Rep - suf., n. Representative.
Reskee - n. Research Scholars.
RGSOIPL - abbr., n. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law. A Law School in IIT Kharagpur.
R.K. - abbr., n. Radhakrishnan Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall.
Room-baap - n. The student(male) who occupied someone's room in the previous year.
Room-maa - n. The student(female) who occupied someone's room in the previous year.
R.P. - abbr., n. Rajendra Prasad Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall.
S.A.M. - abbr., n. Sir Ashutosh Mukerjee Hall Of Residence. A hall for management students studying in V.G.S.O.M. Shares same premises with Gokhale Hall.
Satti - n. A C.G.P.A. in between 7 and 8.
Schol - n. Scholarship, usually during Apping.
Scholar's Avenue - n. The road leading from the IIT Main Gate about which most of the Halls are situated. n. The Official Students' Newspaper.
S-Com - n. The Steering Committee of Spring Fest.
Secy - n. Secretary. Usu. of Gymkhana or Halls.
Sem - n. Semester.
Senti - n., v.i. Sentiments. Sentimental.
S.F. - abbr., n. Spring Fest. An annual festival in IIT-KGP when there are plenty of competitions, events and performances by well known artists. Proclaimed as eastern India's biggest festival.
S.G.P.A. - abbr., n. Semester Grade Point Average. An index of a students performance in academics which reflects his performance in a particular semester.
S.M.S.T. - abbr., n. School of Medical Sciences and Technology.
S.N. - abbr., n. Sarojini Naidu Hall Of Residence. A female students B. Tech. Hall. Residents are called SNites.
Soc-n-cult - n. Social and Cultural Activities.
S.Q. - abbr., n. Summer Quater. A special course organized by IIT-KGP for students who fail to clear subjects in previous semesters, so that they need not repeat next year.
S.R.I.C. - abbr., n. Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy
S.T.E.P. - abbr., n. Science and Technology Entrepreneur's Park.
Stud - n. Any student who is good in academics as well as other fields like sports, etc.
Takshashila - n. A complex that houses C.I.C.
Tam - n. Tamil. A Tamil-speaking person.
Tapna - v.t., v.i. Copying assignments or examination answer-scripts from any person.
T.D.S. - abbr., n. Technology Dance Society.
Tech - pre., adj. Technology. An adjective used frequently with anything associated with IIT-KGP.
Tech-mart - n. Technology Market. A market inside IIT-KGP premises.
Tempo - n. Enthusiasm and vigour.
Tempo shout - v.i. To shout in a singing manner "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai". Of KGP or of some similar affiliations like Hall; n. The shout "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai".
T.F.S. - abbr., n. Technology Film Society.
T.H.O.K. - abbr., n. Thick Heads Of KGP. A student of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department.
Tinku - n. An Egg-Poach-Burger. A specialty of Chhedis.
T.O.A.T. - abbr., n. Tagore Open Air Theatre.
Tumpa - abbr., n. Typically Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association, or Tribal Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association. People who belong to Midnapur district.
T.S.G. - abbr., n. See Gymkhana.
Tut. - n. Tutorials.
Secy - n. Secretary. Usu. of Gymkhana or Halls.
Sem - n. Semester.
Senti - n., v.i. Sentiments. Sentimental.
S.F. - abbr., n. Spring Fest. An annual festival in IIT-KGP when there are plenty of competitions, events and performances by well known artists. Proclaimed as eastern India's biggest festival.
S.G.P.A. - abbr., n. Semester Grade Point Average. An index of a students performance in academics which reflects his performance in a particular semester.
S.M.S.T. - abbr., n. School of Medical Sciences and Technology.
S.N. - abbr., n. Sarojini Naidu Hall Of Residence. A female students B. Tech. Hall. Residents are called SNites.
Soc-n-cult - n. Social and Cultural Activities.
S.Q. - abbr., n. Summer Quater. A special course organized by IIT-KGP for students who fail to clear subjects in previous semesters, so that they need not repeat next year.
S.R.I.C. - abbr., n. Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy
S.T.E.P. - abbr., n. Science and Technology Entrepreneur's Park.
Stud - n. Any student who is good in academics as well as other fields like sports, etc.
Takshashila - n. A complex that houses C.I.C.
Tam - n. Tamil. A Tamil-speaking person.
Tapna - v.t., v.i. Copying assignments or examination answer-scripts from any person.
T.D.S. - abbr., n. Technology Dance Society.
Tech - pre., adj. Technology. An adjective used frequently with anything associated with IIT-KGP.
Tech-mart - n. Technology Market. A market inside IIT-KGP premises.
Tempo - n. Enthusiasm and vigour.
Tempo shout - v.i. To shout in a singing manner "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai". Of KGP or of some similar affiliations like Hall; n. The shout "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai".
T.F.S. - abbr., n. Technology Film Society.
T.H.O.K. - abbr., n. Thick Heads Of KGP. A student of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department.
Tinku - n. An Egg-Poach-Burger. A specialty of Chhedis.
T.O.A.T. - abbr., n. Tagore Open Air Theatre.
Tumpa - abbr., n. Typically Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association, or Tribal Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association. People who belong to Midnapur district.
T.S.G. - abbr., n. See Gymkhana.
Tut. - n. Tutorials.
T&P - abbr., n. The Training and Placement section.
Uddu - n. An Oriya-speaking person.
Vegies - n. The Vegies Restaurant. Located on the Scholar's Avenue.
V.G.S. - abbr., n. Vishveshwaraiyya Guest House.
V.G.S.O.M. - abbr., n. Vinod Gupta School Of Management.
Vikramshila - n. One of the recently built academic complex to take over/compliment the role of Main Building.
Volu - n. Volunteer.
Vortex - n. A dance competition between different Halls organized by L.L.R. Hall.
V.P. - abbr., n. Vice President of Gymkhana. A fourth year student.
V.S. - abbr., n. Vidyasagar Hall Of Residence. An M. Tech. Hall.
V.S.R.C. - abbr., n. Vikram Sarabhai Residential Complex. A residential complex for regular M.S. and Ph.D student as well as Assigned Project Scientists. Under S.R.I.C.
W.T.M.S. - abbr., n. Western Technology Music Society.
Uddu - n. An Oriya-speaking person.
Vegies - n. The Vegies Restaurant. Located on the Scholar's Avenue.
V.G.S. - abbr., n. Vishveshwaraiyya Guest House.
V.G.S.O.M. - abbr., n. Vinod Gupta School Of Management.
Vikramshila - n. One of the recently built academic complex to take over/compliment the role of Main Building.
Volu - n. Volunteer.
Vortex - n. A dance competition between different Halls organized by L.L.R. Hall.
V.P. - abbr., n. Vice President of Gymkhana. A fourth year student.
V.S. - abbr., n. Vidyasagar Hall Of Residence. An M. Tech. Hall.
V.S.R.C. - abbr., n. Vikram Sarabhai Residential Complex. A residential complex for regular M.S. and Ph.D student as well as Assigned Project Scientists. Under S.R.I.C.
W.T.M.S. - abbr., n. Western Technology Music Society.
abbr. - Abbreviation
adj. - Adjective
adv. - Adverb
excl. - Exclamation
n. - Noun
pre. - Prefix
suf. - Suffix
usu. - Usually
v.i. - Verb(intransitive)
v.t. - Verb(transitive)
abbr. - Abbreviation
adj. - Adjective
adv. - Adverb
excl. - Exclamation
n. - Noun
pre. - Prefix
suf. - Suffix
usu. - Usually
v.i. - Verb(intransitive)
v.t. - Verb(transitive)
@copied from ambujsaxena-iitkgp-dictionary
National Cadet 'Corps'